Monday, November 10, 2008

Economic Crisis is your Golden Opportunity

Hi guys! It's been awhile since the last time I updated my blog. Well, there are a lot things happening right now. We are facing a financial turmoil crisis. Because of that, I got something to share with you. I came across an article on the Internet.

Central Provident Fund

Basically, the article was mentioning about most of you will be getting lesser bonus or no bonus at all. This is due to companies are tightening their belts. Everywhere we see there's a paycut and retrenchment going on. Don't you think you should do something about it? Well, the best suggestion I have is to start running a business. Now is the opportunity for you to start. To be predict, there will be 20 million job losses in worldwide. Will you be one of them? Click the link and learn how to run a business over the Internet.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


This time, the entry might sounds like I'm repeating what I used to blog few month ago. There's a reason why I'm repeating.

Let's recall what's going on recently especially in Singapore itself.

Recently there's an increase in
• bus and MRT fare (1st October 2008 if I recalled correctly)
• food price
• inflation rate
• oil price and etc.

The most recently happen in September was a few banks and financial institution had gone bust. Markets are not doing good as it is so volatile. You might be wondering why I'm highlighting all these to you.

The reasons are simple. There are only 2 reasons
1. We need to start worrying our future due to increase of price everywhere
2. It's an opportunity for us to start a business due to retrenchment which will occur anytime and anywhere

So guys, don’t procrastinate anymore. Do something now and I mean NOW! You might be at a losing end. Check out the link below. It will be useful for you.


Monday, September 22, 2008

My First Sale!

Finally for 3 months, I had hit my first sale. My earning is US$20. It may look little to you but then it's something rather than nothing.

For the past 3 months, my efforts had paid off after all my family and friends make fun of me that this Internet business won't make it and it's a scam. Now I have something to proof to them! Here is my payment stats;


So what are you waiting for? I have proven you that this business is not a scam. So it's time for you to start running your business by clicking the link below


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Words of Inspiration

Hi guys. For today's entry, I won't be blogging anything much but instead, I would like you all to get to know to this fantastic guy. The guy I referring about is Saiful. I believe he will be able to inspire you and help you make a difference in your life. Click on the link below

God Bless!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What you need to know about Internet Marketing business for now

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this legal? If so, why?

Yes! If not, big companies such as Amazon or EBay won't be creating an affiliate programme for themselves.

2. What is AsianHomeBiz and how do you do it?

Check out AsianHomeBiz to find out more.

3. Who are eligible to do this business?

Anyone of all ages as it's easy to start and run the business.

4. What kind of products are you promoting?

An AsianHomeBiz starter kit.

5. Is it true that after I had joined AsianHomeBiz, I should quit my job? If no, why?

The answer lies on you. For me, if doing an Internet Marketing business can allow me to earn more than my existing job, why should I stay? I would rather focus on my business than working in a company.

6. How much does the product cost?

Currently it cost for US$29.99. It might return to normal price at US$49.99 due to high demand.

7. After I had joined AsianHomeBiz and purchased the product, how do I get started?

Once you had purchased the starter kit, just follow the instructions given in it. It's easy to start as it's a step by step guide.

8. Is it true that I could earn $1,000 a day?

Yes! In fact, more. It's all depends on how much effort you put in.

9. What are the benefits of this business?

The answer is obvious. It allows you to earn an extra income. The choice is yours whether you would want to do it or otherwise.

10. How do I know that this business is not a scam?

It's not a scam as affiliate exists in big companies such as Amazon or EBay for instance.

If you have any other doubts or questions, feel free to drop me an email at

Take Action Now!

Are you really worried about your future? Before you start to worry, why not worried about the present? If you realize, there are too many drastic changes; the food prices goes up, transportation fare increases, oil prices boomed sky high and in fact, almost everything increases. All these events occur due to the inflation rate which increases.

What is Inflation?

Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. When inflation goes up, there is a decline in the purchasing power of money. For example, if the inflation rate is 2% annually, then theoretically anything that cost $1 will cost $1.02. After inflation, your dollar cannot buy the same amount of goods it could before.

To summarize in simple term, your purchasing power is low. You can't afford to enjoy what you had always been. The solution for this is simple; it's time for you to start a business. Below is the solution for you to start one. On top of that, there's an online business which is easy for you to start with.

Here's how you can start an online business

Friday, July 18, 2008

It's all about number game!

Here's another entry I'm going to explain to you more on earning an extra income by reading emails. What I'm about to share is more to EmailCashPro as I'm quite familiar with it. I've been doing it for 4 months so far.

EmailCashPro is a website that pays you for reading/viewing advertisement in the email which they sent to you once you have become their affiliate. Every advertisement you read/view will earn you a point like 1 point/ad. In a day, you can earn on average 2-3 points. By the end of the month, what will happen is the EmailCashPro team will total up your points and convert it into cash. Don’t be surprise if you find your earnings for that month is only a few cents and for example 10 cents. You may find not worth it. Well it's not true. Here's the secret.

The secret is if you refer people to join this program, your earnings will accelerate even faster but before that just so you know, sometimes you don’t get emails for days or weeks and the question might occur this to you; If you don’t get emails often, how do you earn more points and how can your earnings accelerate? The answer is this back to what I mention earlier on. REFER! Why do I say that? Picture this. EmailCashPro is a marketing company and the advertisement targets only to certain people. When you don’t receive any emails from them, it means it's not targeted to you. Now what if the emails target to some of your friends only (provided they join the program under you)? Definitely they will earn points and at the same time you also earn to. Thanks to overriding commission which makes your earning points accelerate, regardless you received emails or not, you will definitely earn.

However if your base is small, don’t expect much. If your base is big, then you can see every month you be earning an extra $100 or even $1,000. Potentially, $10,000 can be achieve on a monthly basis. Having said that to have that kind of earnings, you need to refer more people join under you. I leave it to you to make the decision. Just need to know it is all about number game. Meanwhile, check out the banners